Saturday, November 05, 2005

Women abuse

Abuse to women is something which has been prevalent for ages across all cultures and continents. The extreme of which is rape. Rape’s in India is nothing new, but nowadays we find it in the news more than ever. I don’t know whether it is due to an increase of its occurrences or due to an increase of reported cases. Whatever the case maybe it is something we should hang our heads in shame about.

But what take’s the cake is the rising incidents involving policeman as the culprits. The most disgusting which I read was the one which occurred in Mumbai, where a constable harassed a guy and a girl and asked the girl to come with him to the police station; and then raped her in a police post with the public outside hearing her screams.

I read a headline in one of the online papers which went, “In Delhi, Cops rape and people gang rape” , which reminded me of all the ghastly stories which came out of the cupboard in the capital, and rightly termed the capital as one of the most unsafe places for women.

However, reading more about the latest case I cannot help but think that women are in someway responsible for inviting danger. For example, in this case the victim was waiting at a bus stop at 3am to go to someplace all alone; and then accepted a ride from four unknown guys traveling in a van at that time. I also know of a similar case which occurred at 2am in Mumbai.

And I read about such incidents occurring here in US; frequently in our campus newspaper too. We call ourselves a civilized society, but even in this age such un-humanly and uncivilized incidents occur. In this age where we consider women to be equal to men in all respects, is our progress justified? Your comments folks….


Blogger Taher said...

Dude why you writing about RAPE!!!

Tue Jun 26, 05:29:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Hussain said...

Dude, this is two years back. Anyway I cannot access ur blog page, why?

Sat Jul 07, 11:38:00 AM PDT  

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